It's summer time and so it is body odour time. However, body odour may be a perennial issue for some people. I follow 3 simple steps to keep body odour at bay all throughout the year. 1. Take bath at least twice in a day: This is so important for everyone. Not only the working people should follow this, but also the stay at home people should do the same. Bathing helps to refresh ourselves in the most simple way and also helps us get rid of the germs and dirt that adheres to our skin. 2. Stop using deodorants and use lemon juice instead: I know this sounds ridiculous but let me tell you, I have stopped using deodorants in my underarms for about a year, instead I use lemon juice which has resulted in 3 good things - i) underarms are not that dark anymore ii) body odour problem has decreased considerably and it makes me feel fresh all day long iii) growth of underarm hair has been stunted. For application of lemon juice, I slice a wedge of lemon and rub it on my undera...
Beauty, Makeup, Skin Care